"globus flows"


  • Enabling integration across research infrastructures for accelerating science

    March 06, 2025   |  Ryan Chard

    Welcome to our blog series on using Globus to integrate diverse research infrastructures to accelerate science.

  • New permissions on runs for flow owners

    February 17, 2025   |  Brigitte Raumann

    A growing number of shared instrument facilities offer flows to their users in order to automate routine workflows, such as data movement between instruments and computing resources, execution of data analysis pipelines, metadata extraction, and publication to data distribution portals. We are working on delivering new features to support these use cases.

  • Globus Enables Experiment-Time Data Analysis

    July 17, 2024

    For over a decade, the ALCF and APS, both DOE Office of Science user facilities, have collaborated to build the infrastructure for integrated ALCF-APS research, including work to develop workflow management tools, and enable secure access to on-demand computing. The Globus platform and suite of tools enabled them to achieve their goals.

  • Globus Participates in Three-Year Program to Modernize the Earth Systems Grid Federation

    February 12, 2024   |  Lee Liming

    Globus is involved in a three-year program to upgrade the ESGF data nodes operated by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). Globus excels at large-scale data access. So the nodes are being upgraded to use lab-wide storage with Globus access rather than custom storage and data access systems purchased and operated by the climate research teams.

  • Automate your data management tasks to accelerate discovery

    July 11, 2023   |  Susan Tussy

    Today’s researchers must automate some of their data management tasks as they utilize the newest instruments, many of which generate terabytes of data daily. Globus Flows does just that. It defines and automates simple as well as complex, scalable multi-step, human-in-the-loop data flows securely and reliably.

  • Globus and ACCESS Simplify Data Management for Supercomputer Users

    September 15, 2023   |  Lee Liming

    One year into the new NSF ACCESS program, Globus and ACCESS continue to work together to simplify the data management experience in the nation’s premier open science computing environment.

Other Pages

  • Research Automation

    The automation of data handling has become increasingly important for today’s researcher. Globus addresses this need in a variety of ways. With Globus researchers can: Schedule recurring transfers in the...