Events Archive, September 2019
Events Archive
September 2019
iCAS 2019
September 7 – 11, 2019 (All Day)- TBA
Globus is proud to be presenting at this year's International Computing in the Atmospheric Sciences Symposium (iCAS) in Italy: Title: E3SM Data Management and Publication Date/Time: Thursday, September 12 @...
ParCo 2019
September 9 – 12, 2019 (All Day)- TBA
Globus co-founder Ian Foster will be presenting a keynote address at this year's International Conference on Parallel Computing (ParCo2019) in Prague: Title: Coding the Continuum Date/Time: Wednesday, Sept. 11 @...
ESnet Data Mobility Workshop & Exhibition
September 23, 2019 (All Day)- TBA
Globus is co-hosting this workshop with ESnet and Indiana University. The one-day event, split into two halves for different audiences, aims to: Facilitate an exhibition to establish data transfer baselines...
Gateways 2019
September 23 – 25, 2019 (All Day)- TBA
Globus is once again sponsoring and exhibiting at the SGCI Gateways annual conference (colocated with eScience 2019). Stop by our exhibit to learn how developers use Globus to build portals...
DOE Data Day (D3)
September 25 – 26, 2019 (All Day)- TBA
Globus professional services manager Rick Wagner will be speaking at the 2019 Department of Energy (DOE) Data Day event at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL): Title: Globus Research Data Platform...
eScience 2019
September 24 – 27, 2019 (All Day)- TBA
Globus is proud to be presenting at this year's eScience conference in San Diego (colocated with the Gateways 2019 conference): Topic: Serverless Science for Simple, Scalable, and Shareable Scholarship Date/Time:...
SGCI Webinar: Reproducible Big Data Science
September 30, 2019, 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM CDT- TBA
We are presenting in an SGCI webinar on big data FAIRness: Topic: Reproducible Big Data Science: A Case Study in Continuous FAIRness using Globus and Globus Genomics Date/Time: Wednesday, Oct.9...
AWS Webinar: A Simplified Approach to Data-Driven Research Collaboration
September 30, 2019, 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM CDT- TBA
As part of the Amazon Web Services (AWS Education) Research Seminar Series, Globus co-founder Ian Foster is presenting in a live webinar on Sept. 30, 2019: Topic: A Simplified Approach...